Mind Ablaze



The devil is the author of confusion, and he is the mastermind behind all malfunctions, errors and confusion in the human mind. The devil does not stop until you stop him. We must take the battle to the realm of the spirit and contend for the restoration of millions of minds. We must be reminded that our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and casting down "imaginations" (2 Corinthians 10:4-5). 

The 1,000 prayers, scriptures, and prophetic verdicts contained in this book is explosive. It will bring deliverance and cast out devils that may be oppressing people's mind. This book, "Mind Ablaze" will literally set your mind on the fire of God and make it uninhabitable for demons to control your thoughts, emotions, desires and mind. Set your mind ablaze with the Holy Spirit birthed pronouncements!

You and those around you can be free today! Let this book be a blessing to those around you, as well as yourself. Together, we can stop the growing statistics of addiction and mental health difficulties. Set your MIND ABLAZE!

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